Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Long Distance Relationship

I met Layla on February 12, 2000.

That moment when we spent our first weekend together, That moment when i felt being the most luckiest man because  i met her entire family and that moment when we decided to start on the crazy up and down journey of long distance relationship.

We have to go back another three years to start the true beginning of the story. Layla and i were in senior high school, Unfortunately she living in Los Angeles and me in New York, and we came across each other on Friendster. We became "friends" simply because trivial reason. We liking the same favorite movie pages. And that’s where it all began.

For a few months later we graduated from high school and still we were simply being "friends" and interacted very little (we were so busy with new college). Eventually i deactivated my Friendster account and moved on to bigger and better things called Facebook. Layla followed suit later and i bet she tried to search me who she vaguely remembered was cute and by Ryan M. She found me and sent a message, " hey are you ryan michael? i think i remember you from friendster. if not, then ignore this message." i remembered her actually, we frequently discussed the latest movie in discussion forum and although I thought it a bit strange, i added her back anyway. Again, for a long time we interacted very little.

It was a hot summer night in mid july 1998, Without we even realized our conversation became more intense. We enjoyed commenting on each other’s photos and statuses.We began talking even more in early 1999 - a couple Facebook chats, a few messages. Then i encouraged my self to make a phone call and i'm completely freaked out. i never met this girl before and what scared me the most was that i actually really enjoyed our talks. We were going strong and she always made me happy. I told my parents about her and they strongly suggested we have to meet. So six months after we began talking, i bought flight's ticket from Los Angeles to New York.

Neither of us got sleep much sleep that night.

When i walked into the airport she was there waiting for me. i still remembered clearly in my mind. i was too overwhelmed then i quickly blurted that i need to pee and ran to restroom as soon as possible. after that we hugged and said a couple awkward things however i can tell our first few hours together went surprisingly well.

The following day, i met her entire family. The next day which is 14 february 2000 we went on our first date at The River Cafe, the breathtaking view of the Manhattan skyline sets the romantic mood. Delicious food and plenty of ambiance and we've got the perfect spot for a little canoodling. It's well worth a trip to Brooklyn. We enjoyed each other just as much as we’d anticipated.

We decided to continue dating even though it meant long distance. She made her first trip to Los Angeles in January 2001. We had a great time exploring each other’s states and getting to know each other better. Interestingly we always found ways to visit during our relationship. "where there’s a will there’s a way,"  California, Illinois, Chicago, Miami all of these and more were the places we managed to visit one another.

After graduating, i moved to New York and became a junior lawyer. It was a big adjustment for me but definitely worth it. We loved living a couple blocks from each other and do things we couldn’t before.

One year after moving  we made Plan a trip to Hawaii. When she gets off the plane, i prepared a few luau girls waiting with a sign saying “Will you marry me?”, some leis and some nice champagne. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. And on April 29th, 2005 we married in Los angeles.

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